Have you ever heard of the phrase, “Less is More”? Have you ever thought it to be incredibly true? I came across a Ted Talk called “Sell your crap. Pay your debt. Do what you love” by Adam Baker, which eventually led me to reading about a lifestyle called “Minimalism”, and it inspired me, and it helped me further understand why “Less is More”. I’m not going to go into a huge essay about becoming a minimalist and my journey to live a simpler lifestyle right now; I will reveal bits of this journey as I go.
The first thing I want to share is my desire to have a minimal workspace. I use the computer and internet significantly more than the average person—it’s what I do as a career—and having a desk full of clutter interferes with my productivity and creative process. I wanted a simpler workspace. So here’s the before and after of my worskpace:
I still feel there are some things I can get rid of, but I think it’s a start.
Update: Check out part II of this post to see an even more minimalist workspace!
My Newest, Minimalist Workspace:
It has the essentials:
- iMac
- Wireless keyboard & mouse
- Water
- 4-Hour Workweek
- Gridbook
The other things you see on the desk are temporary, and not fixed desk items:
- Earbuds
- Notes for the current project I’m building
- Receipts for expense tracking
I highly recommend you take 20 minutes to watch this video. It will give you a new perspective, and quite possibly change your life.