Is it just me, or is it that as you get older, you begin to “cut the crap” and talk straight?

When you truly know something, you don’t need to prance about the words and add fluff to dress it up. You either know something, or you don’t.

So, let’s put on our big person pants and talk straight.

There are 2 things you should know (or probably already know) about me:

  1. I teach people how to design and code
  2. I teach those designers and coders how to start freelancing

Why do I do this?

  1. Designing and coding changed my life
  2. Starting a freelance business gave me more freedom — of time, choice & finances — than I could have ever had as an employee

Therefore, it is my duty to:

  1. Teach others the skills, strategies & techniques required to build a business
  2. Inspire others to wake up & open their eyes to the potential they have within them
  3. Challenge others to get off their asses, embrace discomfort, and DO something with their lives

So, for me, it’s a no brainer. If THIS GUY can learn how to design & code then turn that into a profitable business that forever changed my life, there must be others who want the same thing.

Turns out there are others. Many of them.

You included.

But I have some bad news.

Most people aren’t cut for taking charge of their lives, going their own way & forging freedom for themselves and their families.

So here are 3 reasons you don’t have what it takes to start a freelance business:

Reason #1: You blame others for holding you back from succeeding

The only person holding you back from achieving success, greatness, and fulfilling your purpose is you. You’re a free person, and if you don’t like your situation, you have the ability to do something about it. The worse your situation is, the harder you’re gonna have to fight to change it. Crazier things have happened. If you truly believe you can’t do anything about your life, and you blame other people for holding you back, you’re not cut out for freelancing.

Reason #2: You believe being employed in a full-time job is the safe option

Tell that to the 33,000 Americans who lost their jobs in September 2017 (source), or the 88,000 Canadian jobs lost in January 2018 (source). I personally have seen many of my family members lose their jobs that supported their families, paid their bills, and gave them financial security for years. Listen, that sucks, and I’m very sympathetic to those folks who have their income ripped out from in under them.

Is a full-time job a reasonable choice? Sure. We need employees.

Is being employed the “safe option”? Absolutely not. In many cases, your employer is running a business, and your full-time employment depends on the success of that business, and whether or not they need your services.

Reason #3: You don’t invest in yourself

What is an investment? It means to give your most valuable assets (your time or money) in exchange for the possibility of a greater return in the future. As the saying goes, “short term pain for long term gain.” This is different from an “expense”, which is simply you exchanging your time or money for a good or service — like a latte, or a new smartphone.

There’s a quote by Dr. Seuss, he says:

With investment comes risk, because there’s no guarantee of a return. You may put in the time or the money, and receive nothing in return. But that latte, your brand new smartphone, your monthly Netflix subscription, or your expensive data package? Those will yield nothing. They are expenses.

Resist the urge to reply and say, “but Brad, my latte and iPhone provide me with happiness, aren’t those investments?”

No. They’re not. They are fleeting pleasures.

If I needed time or money to invest in myself — to have the possibility of dramatically improving my situation — I would trade Netflix, dining out, and expensive gadgets in a heartbeat.

If you don’t see value in investing in yourself, you’re not cut out for freelancing.

Listen, maybe I hurt your feelings with some of those reasons — hold that thought…

Bonus Reason #4: Your hurt feelings get in the way of bettering yourself

Here’s the deal, starting a freelance business is hard. Getting rejected sucks. Asking for the sale is uncomfortable. Not getting paid what you’re worth hurts. Forgoing comfort & safety now in exchange for a payoff later is stressful.

But this separates average folk from freedom freelancers (as I like to call us)…

The average folks will see these reasons, and say, “yeah, that’s me… I guess I can’t do this :(“

The freedom freelancer will say, “wtf Brad! Are you challenging me?”

Yes. I am.

I’ve witnessed this transformation hundreds of times in my students.

They’ll tell me, “Brad, I can’t do it.”

My response? “Bull****.”

I’m about to tell you something that most people won’t say to your face…

You weren’t put on this Earth to be Average.

You weren’t gifted this Life to be Medium.

You’ve got something in your heart to give, and you want to waste it & rob the world of your value?

Simply because you’re “uncomfortable”?

Come on. Have more respect for yourself. Expect more of yourself.

You have a mission, a duty, a responsibility to add value, and fight to create the best life for you, your family and the people you serve.

So, what are you gonna do about it?

It’s amazing what a little tough love can do to motivate somebody to get off their butt, and take action.

Somewhere in there, I believe you have the spark.

The fight.

The courage.

To challenge your limiting beliefs,

To say…

Bring. It. ON!

So, what’s it gonna be? What are YOU gonna do about it?

Will you keep telling yourself you are the Average Person who aims for Medium?

Or, are you going to finally embrace your Freedom Freelancer and aim for your Best Life?

But beware…

Once you say “yes” to that life, and you realize your potential, there is no going back.

Here’s to your Best Life & Your Freedom,

p.s. You think I was gonna get you fired up like that, and leave you with no action to take? Ha! I’m not letting you off the hook that easy. Here are your action items:

Action Item #1: Pre-order your Early Access to Freelancing Freedom Masterclass

In 1 month (November 6th), I’m finally re-opening the doors to my flagship course, Freelancing Freedom Masterclass. But for the next 3 days, I’m opening just 30 spots to pre-order the course. Here are the benefits of pre-ordering:

  1. Early Access to the Course on October 30th, one week before everyone else
  2. Semi-private Group Strategy Call with me
  3. Instant access to 2 bonus courses, Get Freelance Clients & Email Automation for Freelancers
  4. Up to $300 off your enrollment

Ready to get started? There are only 30 spots available.

Click to Pre-order Freelancing Freedom Masterclass

Doors close on Friday, October 5th at 11:59pm MST.

Action Item #2: Comment below and tell me how you are going to take action and finally make a change today