We’re all looking for ways to make our lives better.
To be happier. To have less stress. To be stronger.
More focused.
This is no exhaustive list by any means. It’s just common sense.
So, here are 3 small tweaks you can make today, which I think will improve your life in a big way.
Tweak #1
Stop complaining
People complain.
About other people
About their jobs
About their lives
About politics
About others’ beliefs
I’m guilty of complaining.
You probably complained on numerous occasions this week.
But what is complaining?
“Express dissatisfaction or annoyance about a state of affairs or an event.”
It’s fine to “express dissatisfaction” about a situation, but are you doing anything to change or improve that situation for yourself or others?
No? Then you are just complaining for the sake of complaining.
You’re making noise.
And people who complain, tend to complain a lot.
“The empty vessel makes the loudest sound.”
William Shakespeare
Next time you feel the urge to complain about a situation, event or person, ask yourself:
Is this necessary? And which steps will I take steps to improve this situation?
Or am I just making noise?
And what might I do instead?
Tweak #2
Eliminate your addiction to your phone
These devices we’ve glued to our hands are little miracle machines
They connect the world
They entertain us
They educate us
They provide us company
But they are destroying our focus
Our productivity
Our happiness
Our children
Only recently I realized how addicted to my phone I am (and I’m of the impression that I’ve got it under control!)
Especially when Apple introduced the new feature that proudly displays how many hours a day one averages on their phone.

A weekly embarrassment and reminder of one’s addiction.
Which I suppose is a good thing, if it’s used as encouragement to make a change.
You’ve gotta wonder what the world would look like
What your world would look like
If we spent 1 – 4 hours each day
reading a business book
building something
playing with our children
learning a new skill.
There’d be a heck of a lot less complaining
and a lot more doing.
So get it under control.
Put it away
Leave it at home today
Have a “blackout” weekend
Delete your most used app (which is very easy to find under your “Screen Time” setting in your phone… btw, it’s a social media app that doesn’t serve you or your life in any positive way.)
And trade that time, one for one, with something that will serve your soul. Or somebody else’s.
Tweak #3
Make something
Since we spend so much time complaining & feeding our smartphone addictions
We don’t leave much time for making.
Whatever that means to you.
Make a better life for your family.
Build your business.
Produce something that will help somebody else.
Create something you’re proud of.
Improve your community with your talents & abilities.
Trade some of that “consuming” for “producing”.
The “taking” for “giving”
And make something.