3 small tweaks to improve your life (in a big way)

We’re all looking for ways to make our lives better. To be happier. To have less stress. To be stronger. More focused. This is no exhaustive list by any means. It’s just common sense. So, here are 3 small tweaks you can make today, which I think will improve your life in a big way. […]
The Truth about Brad Hussey. My Reaction To Being Called “Poison” by a Fellow Coding Instructor.

How do you kick off a weekend with a smile on your face when you find out someone just posted a YouTube video, all about you… Claiming your work is POISON? Yeah. That was my weekend. So, today — instead of writing a stellar new piece of content for you all about launching a business, booking clients, and […]
Six-Figure Freelancing: Is it possible to earn 6-figures as a freelance web developer?

Recently, I asked a simple question on my Facebook Page, it was “if you had a magic wand that could instantly solve your #1 problem as a Freelance Web Developer / Designer, what would it solve? And people have been commenting like crazy — sharing their struggles, pain points, and what’s holding them back from […]
3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Start Freelancing

Is it just me, or is it that as you get older, you begin to “cut the crap” and talk straight? When you truly know something, you don’t need to prance about the words and add fluff to dress it up. You either know something, or you don’t. So, let’s put on our big person […]
Selfless service

[smart_track_player url=”https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/2qi7hp045hqblvk/SelflessService_2018.mp3?dl=0″ title=”Selfless Service” artist=”Brad Hussey” background=”default” social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” ] This last weekend, my family and I road-tripped to Boise, Idaho so I could attend the second annual Craft + Commerce conference by Seva (formerly ConvertKit). I was surrounded by creators, bloggers, freelancers, entrepreneurs and the likes of Casey Neistat, Pat Flynn and dozens of […]