2018 Review: A Year of Realization

It’s that time again! Every year I dedicate a couple days to reviewing my entire year, personally and professionally, so I can reflect on the health of my business, what I’m thankful for, goals I’ve accomplished, where I’ve succeeded, where I’ve experienced failure, and how I plan to move forward in the coming year. The […]
2017 Annual Review: A Year of Change

[smart_track_player url=”https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ihl6yrz9uyo63s5/2017_review.mp3?dl=0″ title=”2017 Annual Review: A Year of Change” artist=”Brad Hussey” background=”default” download=”false” social_linkedin=”true” ] It’s that time again! Every year I dedicate a couple days to reviewing my entire year, personally and professionally, so I can reflect on the health of my business, what I’m thankful for, goals I’ve accomplished, where I’ve succeeded, where I’ve […]
2016 Annual Review: The Year of Transformation

It’s that time again! Every year I dedicate a couple days to reviewing my entire year, personally and professionally, so I can reflect on the health of my business, what I’m thankful for, goals I’ve accomplished, where I’ve succeeded, where I’ve experienced failure, and how I plan to move forward in the coming year. The purpose […]
2015 Annual Review: A Year of Growth

Last year I published my first annual review, and I enjoyed the experience because it allowed me to actively reflect on the health of my business, what I’m thankful for, where I’ve succeeded, where I’ve fallen short, and how I plan to move forward in the coming year. The purpose of publishing this annual review […]
Looking Back on 2014: An Annual Review

In order to move forward into the new year with confidence and clarity, I think it’s important to reflect on what went well and what didn’t; the highlights and what needs to change. I’ve never done an annual review before, but I feel as though it’s necessary because a lot happened last year. Please keep […]