Learn jQuery for Free (with this video tutorial)

Learn jQuery in this free 12-part video tutorial, cherry picked from my popular coding course, The Ultimate Web Designer & Developer Course. jQuery is the world’s most popular Javascript library that was designed with front-end developers and web designers in mind. jQuery gives you the ability to do everything that Javascript can do, but with a much […]
Freelancing Nightmares

Just the other night I had a Freelancing Nightmare. I hadn’t experienced one of these in a long time. You may have heard friends of yours who work as servers at restaurants refer to the “Server Nightmare”. Servers interact with many different people in their occupation — some nice, some not so much. Servers almost entirely depend on tips […]
2015 Annual Review: A Year of Growth

Last year I published my first annual review, and I enjoyed the experience because it allowed me to actively reflect on the health of my business, what I’m thankful for, where I’ve succeeded, where I’ve fallen short, and how I plan to move forward in the coming year. The purpose of publishing this annual review […]
Find your Freelance Niche with this Simple Strategy

One of the most common questions I get from my students in my Cultivate a Successful Freelance Career course is: “How do I find my freelance niche, and what skills should I focus on?” It’s important to know what type of freelancer you are. You don’t necessarily need to identify as just a freelance designer, or just […]
Celebrate Small Wins: Stay Motivated While Working Towards Your Big Goals

The early stages of building a freelance career can be a rocky road. You’re battling a crippling fear of failure all while trying to grow your client list, deliver quality work, and pay the bills. It’s easy when you’re in the thick of it all — the “fog of war” as I prefer to call […]