Web Designer’s Guide to CSS Flexbox for Modern Website Layouts

CSS Flexible Box Layout, more commonly referred to as “Flexbox,” is a CSS layout model that has been gaining popularity in the web design world lately. In the past, flexbox was seen as an alternative to float-based layouts, but now flexbox is being used for more than just page layout, and it’s becoming increasingly important […]
Freelancing From Scratch: How to Start with No Experience

How do you build a freelance career when you have no experience, no clients, and no skills? You have to start somewhere—even if it’s right at the bottom of the ladder. Don’t fret! It’s actually quite easy to get started. Since my expertise is web design and development, I’m going to focus on what’s required […]
Build a Website from Scratch with HTML & CSS – A New Udemy Course

Hello friends! I want to cut to the chase and let you know that I’ve built a brand new online course! It’s called Build a Website From Scratch with HTML & CSS. This course is a top-to-bottom beginner’s course, and you need no prior knowledge or experience with HTML or CSS. If you want to break into […]
Learn to build an HTML5 & CSS3 website from scratch in 4-hours

Have you always wanted to learn how to build a website? Or, have you been curious about learning HTML5 & CSS3? Then I’ve got something for you. But first, let me give you a little background on myself: Learning to design and build websites and web applications has been one of the most valuables skills […]
Quick Tip: Sexy Text Rendering in CSS

Hi. I just wanted to share a quick tip for you Web Designers out there. This snippet of CSS makes the text on your website look very nice: See the Pen Sexy Text Rendering in CSS by Brad Hussey (@bradhussey) on CodePen. I recommend using it like so: body { -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; text-rendering: optimizelegibility; } […]