A Business Idea Can Strike At Any Moment

Sometimes when an idea strikes, it’s best to take immediate action on it. That’s why you hear of songwriters or authors keeping a notebook beside their beds so that when they wake up in the middle of the night with an idea—a lyric, a melody, a plot line—they can immediately take action in the heat […]
How to Turn the Pressures of the Real Estate Market on its Head

It is impossible to look in the local paper, or community newsletter and not be distracted from the actual content by the full page ad campaigns from Fill-in-the-Blank Realty. Whenever I am driving I am bombarded with signs giving me directions to where my new future home is waiting for me. Every time I turn […]
Having a Child Doesn’t Have to Stop You From Travelling

Before my daughter was born, I had no prior experience with children or babies. (Did you know: I never actually held a baby until my daughter was born — I know it sounds kind of sweet, but it was really because I was nervous and never felt comfortable enough to hold something so tiny and breakable). […]
Babies & Minimalism

We have a 5-month old daughter. She is amazing and we love her. But she owns too much stuff. I thought I knew what we were in for, in terms of how much stuff we were going to accumulate when she was born, but boy was I wrong. Over the course of five months, our […]
How Passive Income Paid for our Vacation in Hawaii

If you’ve been following my journey over the past year, you’ll know a few things about me: I’ve “burned the boat” and began working for myself I’ve embraced minimalism I’ve discovered Udemy You’ve probably heard me talking about Udemy, and my online courses that I’ve been developing and selling on this website. When I published […]