Freelancing From Scratch: How to Start with No Experience

How do you build a freelance career when you have no experience, no clients, and no skills? You have to start somewhere—even if it’s right at the bottom of the ladder. Don’t fret! It’s actually quite easy to get started. Since my expertise is web design and development, I’m going to focus on what’s required […]
Looking Back on 2014: An Annual Review

In order to move forward into the new year with confidence and clarity, I think it’s important to reflect on what went well and what didn’t; the highlights and what needs to change. I’ve never done an annual review before, but I feel as though it’s necessary because a lot happened last year. Please keep […]
Mountains & Valleys: How to Bridge Inconsistent Freelance Income

It’s called many things: “Feast or Famine”, “When it rains it pours”, “Mountains & Valleys” (my favourite term), etc. But they all mean one thing: Freelancers make inconsistent income. It’s just the nature of the beast. Some months a freelancer can make tremendous money, and other months their income can plummet to the ground. It […]
Name Your Price: What Does Your Dream Cost?

I’ve been self-employed since 2012, and it would be an understatement to say I’ve enjoyed it. It’s seriously been the best professional decision I’ve ever made! The perks that come with self-employment are truly amazing: Unlimited income potential Possibility for great success No limit on vacation time Create your own work schedule You’re in charge […]
If You’re Not Scared Shitless…
Just today I stumbled upon a comment in a LinkedIn Forum I made to my peers while I was interning at Vision Critical in Vancouver during the final months at Capilano University (that was a mouthful): The more I think of it, the more I want to start my own *something* — whether it’s a […]