Where to Find Your First Paid Client (Video #3)

where to find freelance clients

It’s been said that you need to secure 3 paying clients in order to know if your business will succeed, or not. I don’t think 3 is a catch-all magic number, but the idea is if you convince 3 different people to pay you money for your services, you’re probably on to something. The most […]

How to Choose Your Freelance Niche (Video #2)

choose freelance niche

Did you know there are actually TWO types of Freelancing Niches? 1) Your Audience Niche 2) Your Expertise Niche Here’s how you determine both of them! Audience Niche Alright, you need to know your audience. This one is easy. I’m going to ask you a few questions… What do YOU LOVE doing or being a […]