Who Said You Couldn’t Become a Married Digital Nomad with a Baby? | An Interview with Brad Hussey

Although we are no longer living in Newfoundland, much of this interview is still very relevant and I think it’s a great way for you to get to know me a little better! [blockquote source=”LiveLimitless.net”] [dropcap background=”yes” color=”#333333″]T[/dropcap]here are a lot of people who think a baby (and marriage for that matter) are a hindrance […]
Babies & Minimalism

We have a 5-month old daughter. She is amazing and we love her. But she owns too much stuff. I thought I knew what we were in for, in terms of how much stuff we were going to accumulate when she was born, but boy was I wrong. Over the course of five months, our […]
Fully Embracing Minimalism

It’s that time of year again at the Hussey Household! We have about a month left until our lease is up on our apartment and it’s time to move on to new adventures. If you’ve ever experienced moving out before, you know that it is both very exciting and very stressful. It’s exciting because you’re […]
Is the American Dream your dream?

Ever since hearing the term, “American Dream” I’ve wondered what it was and what it meant to live the American Dream. By definition, the American Dream is: “A set of ideals in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, and an upward social mobility achieved through hard work.” Sure, these ideals sound great; there is nothing […]
Donating my clothes
Since discovering minimalism, I’ve been finding ways to incorporate it into my life. I used to think that I didn’t own a lot of “stuff”, however, I’ve since realized that’s not true.