The Truth about Brad Hussey. My Reaction To Being Called “Poison” by a Fellow Coding Instructor.

How do you kick off a weekend with a smile on your face when you find out someone just posted a YouTube video, all about you… Claiming your work is POISON? Yeah. That was my weekend. So, today — instead of writing a stellar new piece of content for you all about launching a business, booking clients, and […]
Mountains & Valleys: How to Bridge Inconsistent Freelance Income

It’s called many things: “Feast or Famine”, “When it rains it pours”, “Mountains & Valleys” (my favourite term), etc. But they all mean one thing: Freelancers make inconsistent income. It’s just the nature of the beast. Some months a freelancer can make tremendous money, and other months their income can plummet to the ground. It […]
How Passive Income Paid for our Vacation in Hawaii

If you’ve been following my journey over the past year, you’ll know a few things about me: I’ve “burned the boat” and began working for myself I’ve embraced minimalism I’ve discovered Udemy You’ve probably heard me talking about Udemy, and my online courses that I’ve been developing and selling on this website. When I published […]
Questions about Online Education, and Udemy

I was recently approached by a fellow Udemy user and he wanted to know a few things about my experience with Udemy and the benefits of teaching using online mediums rather than traditional. Here is the interview: Why publish online content? I recently left the “full-time, 9-5” work environment because I wanted to set out […]
Learn to build an HTML5 & CSS3 website from scratch in 4-hours

Have you always wanted to learn how to build a website? Or, have you been curious about learning HTML5 & CSS3? Then I’ve got something for you. But first, let me give you a little background on myself: Learning to design and build websites and web applications has been one of the most valuables skills […]