Web Designer’s Guide to CSS Flexbox for Modern Website Layouts

CSS Flexible Box Layout, more commonly referred to as “Flexbox,” is a CSS layout model that has been gaining popularity in the web design world lately. In the past, flexbox was seen as an alternative to float-based layouts, but now flexbox is being used for more than just page layout, and it’s becoming increasingly important […]
Overcoming the Fear of Failure in Your Freelance Career

Being your own boss is the dream of many. Alas, it’s a reality for precious few. In Canada, self-employed people represent only about 15% of the working population. That’s less than 2 in 10 people. While I’m sure many of the remaining 85% are happy with their current employment situation, or have no desire to […]
Questions about Online Education, and Udemy

I was recently approached by a fellow Udemy user and he wanted to know a few things about my experience with Udemy and the benefits of teaching using online mediums rather than traditional. Here is the interview: Why publish online content? I recently left the “full-time, 9-5” work environment because I wanted to set out […]